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Seminar Special Topics in FEM


Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline

Moodle:  Link

Location: INF 205, SR 1 (2nd floor)

Date: Friday, 11:00 - 13:00 c.t. (c.t. means Cum Tempore, i.e. start at 11:15 !!! )

Language: English

ECTS: It depends on your discipline. Please ask the examination office of your subject.


This seminar is an introduction to the finite element method (FEM) as a general and very powerfull technique for the numerical solution of partial differential equations in science and engineering. The focus is on mathematical and numerical analysis of the FEM. We consider in that context several important applications to problems from various areas.


Please note the following requirements for the award of credit points: regular participation, presentation with handout, mutual evaluation and written summary of the presentation. Details will be announced at the preliminary meeting. Further information:

  • The presentation should be a maximum of 40 minutes long, plus 20 minutes for discussion.
  • At least one week before the lecture a handout with the summary of the lecture (2 pages) should be submitted.
  • The mutual evaluation (with textual comments) for all other participants is part of the requirements.
  • The written summary is due on TBA