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Lecture Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline

Moodle: Please check the moodle platform for more detailed information:  Moodle Link CFD

SWS: 4

ECTS: 8 (Lecture + Exercices)

Language: English

Organization of the lecture

As long as face-to-face events are suspended at the university, this lecture will only be held online. The corresponding lecture materials will be uploaded in the moodle-platform. A dedicated forum can be used for questions, comments and discussions. Do not hesitate to interact with us using the moodle platform.

Schedule: We. and Fr., 11:00-13:00 c.t. (c.t. means Cum Tempore, i.e. start at 11:15 !!! )

Location:  Lecture Hall Cantor (Audimax-heiCONF)

Content of the lecture

„The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics“ Galileo Galilei

Computational fluid mechanics (CFD) is dedicated to the analysis and development of numerical methods which allow for the numerical simulation of fluid flow problems. Due to the underlying complexity of the resulting numerical problems, the use of high performance computers is a sine qua non condition for many applications. By this means CFD is at the interface of mathematics and computer science. The developments of CFD in the last decades have a very strong impact in many application areas ranging for meteorology, climate research, aerospace, automotive engineering, chemical and mineral processing, combustion, engineering and medicine, to quote only some of them. To the very long list of applications of CFD, one should emphasize, that there are still important open theoretical questions related to the mathematical models describing the motion of fluids. Although a significant distinction exists between liquids and gazes, both type of fluids obey the same laws of motion.

In this lecture we will concentrate on the study of numerical methods in order to solve incompressible flow. The overall emphasis is on deriving and studying the governing equations which lead to partial differential equations. Afterwards the derivation of efficient numerical schemes based on the finite element methods (FEM) will be addressed. The overall aim is to provide a solid and structured background such that students can then approach the current research literature.

The lecture will cover following topics:

  • Governing equations / mathematical models
  • Non-Newtonian fluid
  • Numerical approaches based on FEM
  • Methods for unsteady problems
  • Turbulent flows
  • High performance computing for CFD


Requirements to attend this lecture

This lecture is mostly self-contained. A background in numerical analysis especially the lecture Finite Elements is strongly recommended.

Exam Modalities

Regular participation in the lecture and passing the final exam (90 min.).