Nonlinear Optimization (WS 14/15)
Dr. Michael Schick, Philipp Gerstner
Schedule: Tuesday 11:00 - 13:00 and Friday 11:00 - 13:00
Room: INF 294 / AM HS -104
SWS: 4 (lecture) + 2 (exercises)
CP: 8
Language: English
Nonlinear optimization problems, Descent methods for unconstrained optimization, Linesearch, Optimality criteria for equation constrained optimization, Sequential Quadratic Programming. Nonlinear curve fitting, Gauß-Newton method, SQP-methods for inequality constrained optimization, Automatic differentiation (optional).
Recommended literature:
- Jarre, Stoer: Optimierung
- Nocedal, Wright: Numerical Optimization
- Gill, Murray, Saunders, Wright: Practical Optimization
- Fletcher: Practical Methods of Optimization
- Luenberger: Linear and Nonlinear Programming
- Geiger, Kanzow: Numerische Verfahren zur Lösung unrestringierter Optimierungsaufgaben
- Geiger, Kanzow: Theorie und Numerik restringierter Optimierungsaufgaben
- Bonnans, Gilbert, Lemarechal, Sagastizbal: Numerical Optimization
Recommended preliminaries:
- Knowledge in Linear Algebra and Analysis; for example: Analysis I,II and Lineare Algebra I
- Knowledge in linear optimization, e.g. Algorithmische Optimierung II
- Main exam: Wednesday, 11 February 2015
10:00 am. - 12:00 pm. at HS 2, Bldg. 288 - If you do not pass the main exam or do not attend to the main exam, you can attend the second exam on
Monday, 30 March 2015
10:00 am. - 12:00 pm. at HS 2, Bldg. 288
Everybody who satisfies the certificate criteria will be registered for the main exam automatically. If you do not attend the main exam, the registration is cancelled automatically. Otherwise, attending the main exam will results in a grade (no free shot). Either way, satisfying the certificate criteria is mandatory to be allowed to take part at the exam.
Criteria for getting the exercise certificate ("Schein")
- 72 points (in total over all exercise sheets)
- Presentation of at least one solution during the tutorials
- Successful completion of at least one programming exercise
- Pass the exam (this will be the grade of the certificate)
The solutions can be submitted on Mondays (any time) in the mailbox at INF 294 (ground floor). It is allowed and preferred to submit solutions in teams of two students per homework.
Exercise sheets:
- Sheet No 1 (due to Monday, 27 October 2014)
- Sheet No 2 (due to Monday, 03 November 2014)
- Sheet No 3 (due to Monday, 10 November 2014)
- Sheet No 4 (due to Monday, 17 November 2014)
- Sheet No 5 (due to Monday, 24 November 2014)
- Sheet No 6 (due to Monday, 01 December 2014)
- Sheet No 7 (due to Monday, 08 December 2014)
- Sheet No 8 (due to Monday, 15 December 2014)
- Sheet No 9 (due to Monday, 12 January 2015)
- Sheet No 10 (due to Monday, 19 January 2015)
- Sheet No 11 (due to Monday, 26 January 2015)
- Sheet No 12 (due to Monday, 02 February 2015)
Programming exercises:
- Programming No 1 (due to Friday, 14 November 2014)
- Programming No 2 (due to Friday, 05 December 2014)
- Programming No 3 (due to Friday, 09 January 2015)
- Programming No 4 (due to Friday, 30 January 2015)