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Aims & Objectives

The goal of the ICT-Energy project is to create a coordination activity among consortia involved in the ICT-Energy field with specific reference to bringing together the existing "Towards Zero Power ICT" community organized within the ZEROPOWER project, and the novel "Minimizing Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit (MINECC)" community.

The coordination activity is aimed at assessing the impact of the research efforts developed in the groups involved in the different consortia and proposing measures to increase the visibility of ICT-Energy related initiatives to the scientific community, targeted industries and to the public at large through exchange of information, dedicated networking events and media campaigns.


The ICT-Energy consortium is the result of the convergence of the MINECC and the Towards Zero Power ICT communities into a wider community. It is composed of ten partners from several EU countries, each one representing a specific EU funded project. Each of these projects comprises at least three groups doing research on ICT. This makes our community a wide and multidisciplinary research core covering many topics: fundamental physics, semiconductors, embedded systems, software and high performance computing.

  • University of Perugia
  • Roskilde Univerity
  • Heidelberg University
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
  • Aalborg University
  • Hitachi Cambridge Lab
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Glasgow
  • University College Cork


The ICT-Energy project is supported by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 611004.


  • ICT-Energy Science Conference
    August 17-19, 2016, Aalborg
  • ICT-Energy Summer School
    August 15-16, 2016, Aalborg
  • Sustainable Energy Week and Microenergy Day
    June 13-17, 2016, Europe
  • EU Consultation Workshop
    May 6, 2016, Stansted (London)
  • Workshop "Minimizing Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit", co-located with HiPEAC Conference
    January 20, 2016, Prague
  • ICT-Energy Community Workshop, co-located with HiPEAC Conference
    January 18-19, 2016, Prague
  • ICT-Energy International Doctoral Symposium
    September 16, 2015, Bristol
  • Workshop on the Future Energy in ICT Research Agenda
    September 15, 2015, Bristol
  • ICT-Energy Training Day
    September 14, 2015, Bristol
  • ICT-Energy Summer School
    July 7-11, 2015, Fiuggi
  • Energy-Aware Computing (EACO) Workshop
    September 10-11, 2014, Bristol
  • ICT-Energy Community Workshop and International Doctoral Symposium
    April 23-25, 2014, Barcelona

People from EMCL


  • Martin Wlotzka

Project Link