Current research projects
- KI-Morph
- Automatic segmentation of single cell anatomy
- SYCLOPS: Scaling extreme analYtics with Cross-architecture acceLeration based on OPen Standards
- LeMeDaRT: Lean Medical Data - the Right data at the right Time
- TEHD2: Thermal Electro-Hydrodynamics
- Newborn screening
- Deep learning for radiogenomic
- HipSYCL: a modern SYCL implementation targeting CPUs and GPUs
- Informatics4Life
- HIDSS Health: Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health
- Mathematical Oncology
Previous research projects
- KIPROSPER: Artificial intelligence in the prognosis and control of health-related personnel risks
- Integrated Heart Model
- MEKONG: Simplified Multi-GPU Programming
- TEHD: Thermal Electro-Hydrodynamics
- NOVA: Network for Online Visualization and synergistic Analysis of tomographic data
- Optimal Economic Power Flow II
- SFB/Transregio 125: Cognition-Guided Surgery
- Land Use Change and Management Effects on Soil N2O Emissions in the Hai He River Basin
- HD(CP)2: High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Advancing Climate Prediction
- ICT-Energy
- ASTOR: Arthropod Structure revealed by ultrafast Tomography and Online Reconstruction
- Optimal Economic Power Flow
- Exa2Green: Energy-aware Numerics
- GASPI: Global Address Space Programming Interface
- REKLIM: Regionale Klimaänderung/Regional Climate Change
- MetStröm: Goal oriented adaptivity for tropical cyclones
- AstemViz: Autostereoscopic medical visualization for minimally invasive surgery
- Chromatography: Model-based cause of error diagnostic
- Data Flow Computing on FPGAs using MaxCompiler from Maxeler Technologies
- MobileViz: Interactive Scientific Visualization on Mobile Devices
- Reconstruction and Interactive Visualization of Meteorological Data
- 3DLive - Scalable system for live streaming of stereoscopic 3D content
- DITEW: Dynamische IT für die Energiewirtschaft
- Big Data for Take-Away
- Scalable Earth System Models (ScalES)